Friday 28 March 2014

Scenario 1

There is an accident at the corner of Arapahoe and 30th Street in Boulder. A man on a motorcycle was hit by someone in a green Subaru. Traffic is backed up on the street. It appears that on the motorcycle has been hurt.

Operator: 911 What is your emergency?
Caller: A man on a motorcycle has been hit by a car, I think he´s been hurt.
O: What is ypur phone number?
C: 660112732
O: What happened?
C: He was through Arapahoe Street when a car coming from Boulder Street didn´t see him and they crashed.
O: OK, an ambulance has been dispatched to you.

[Further questions]

O: How many cars are involved?
C: Just one.
O: How many people are hurt?
C: The man on the moto
O: Are both drivers still present?
C: No, the driver has escaped
O: Did you witness the accident?
C: Yes and I have sen the number plate of the car
O: Please stay on the scence. Thank you

Tuesday 25 March 2014


The video is about a girl who is a scientist. She has been studied with a problems of the head but se had a hiptus 7 years ago and she became to estuding this from herselft. She rembembed as she behaved anda acted and she has dedicated all her tieme in discovering a treatment. In this conference she explain as she pass it, the consecuencies and as was leading until today.

In my opinion she is very strong beacuse give you an hiptus is very bad and it gave her and she tall it to them as she hadn´t any problem and I admire her.

Friday 21 March 2014

Emergency dialogue

-Hello this is Laura  I need help
+hi this is 911 emergency. what is the problem?
-My partner has a terrible stomache-ache and I don´t know what to do
+ok you must stay with her all the time. please tell me the location or the nearest landmark
-we are near the townhall first street on the right
+ Thank you The ambulance is on the way.
-OK should I give  her any aspirine or anything else?
+no, it´s not necessary. I will give you some advice
-Ok tell me
+First you lay her down in the bed, then you must mover her legs until her belly.
-ok I do it but she can´t breathe well what i have to do?
+You must open the window and air out the room.
- one moment. Ok done
+Is she ok?
-yes she is better
+that´s fantastic. The ambulance will arrive in a minute
-ok I see it, thank you so much.